
Printhead information
Use the following procedure to display the printheads information screen on the front panel.
The front panel menu selections are:
The front panel displays the following information for the selected printhead:
Color: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Black
Model: Hewlett-Packard No 11 and Warranty (In warranty or Out of warranty)
Status: inserted, missing, faulty worn-out and unknown.
If there is a problem the system displays an action: missing -> insert, unknown -> troubleshoot,
faulty, worn out -> replace.
Expiration date
Serial number
Ink used: in cc and % used
Paper jams
If the printheads are aligned and color-calibrated
Select (using the keys)
Then press:
1. Ink Enter
2. Information Enter
3. Printhead Enter
4. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or Black