ENWW Paper specifications 189
Paper weight equivalence table
Use the following table to determine approximate equivalent points in weight specifications other
than U.S. bond weight. For example, to determine the equivalent of 20 lb U.S. bond weight paper
in U.S. cover weight, locate the bond weight (in row 3, second column) and scan across the row
to the cover weight (in the fourth column). The equivalent is 28 lb.
Shaded areas indicate a standard weight for that grade.
U.S. postcard
U.S. bond
weight (lb)
U.S. text/book
weight (lb)
U.S. cover
weight (lb)
U.S. Bristol
weight (lb)
U.S. index
weight (lb)
U.S. tag weight
Metric weight
16 41 22 27 33 37 60
17 43 24 29 35 39
20 50
28 34 42 46 75
21 54 30 36 44 49
24 60
33 41 50 55 90
27 68 37 45 55 61
28 70
39 49 58 65 105
29 74 41 50 61 68
32 80
44 55 67 74 120
36 90 50 62 75 83 135
0.18 39
100 55 67 82 91 148
40 101 55 68 83 92
0.20 43 110
60 74 90 100 163
45 115 63 77 94 104
0.23 47 119
65 80 97 108 176
51 128 70 86 105 117
53 134 74 90
110 122 200
54 137 75 93 113
125 203
58 146
80 98 120 133 216
65 165 90 111 135 150 244
66 169 92 114 138 154 250
67 171 94 115
140 155 253
70 178 98
120 146 162 264
72 183
100 123 150 166 271
1. U.S. postcard measurements are approximate. Use for reference only.
2. Text and book grades actually calculate out to 51, 61, 71, and 81, but are standardized to book/text weights of 50, 60, 70, and 80.