------------- ---------------
MAC Address Management
Viewing theMAC Addresses of Connected Devices on Series 2600/2600-PWR, 2800 and 4100gl Switches
Viewing theMAC Addresses of
Connected Devices on Series 2600/
2600-PWR, 2800 and 4100gl Switches
Syntax: show mac-address [ | mac-addr |
Lists the MAC addresses of the devices the switch has detected,
along with the number of the specific port on which each MAC
address was detected.
[ port-list ]
Lists the MAC addresses of the devices the switch has detected, on
the specified port(s).
[ mac-addr ]
Lists the port on which the switch detects the specified MAC
address. Returns the following message if the specified MAC
address is not detected on any port in the switch:
MAC address < mac-addr > not found.
[ vlan < vid > ]
Lists the MAC addresses of the devices the switch has detected on
ports belonging to the specified VLAN, along with the number of
the specific port on which each MAC address was detected.
To list the MAC addresses of devices the switch has detected, use the show
mac-address command. For example,
HPswitch# show mac-address
S tatus and Counters - Port Address Table
MAC Address Loc ated on Port
0001e6-09620c 11
0001e7-61d4c0 12
0001e7-6025c0 13
0001e7-6d5a30 14
0001e7-7932c0 15
0001e7-7b4300 16
0001e7-cc24c0 17
000480-376a70 18
0004ea-26c6c0 19
0004ea-2f9320 19
0004ea-68d900 19
Figure D-3. Displaying MAC Addresses Detected by a Switch