IPv6 Addressing Configuration
Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a VLAN
[no] ipv6 address < network-prefix >< device-identifier >/< prefix-length >
If IPv6 is not already enabled on a VLAN, this command option
does the following:
■ enables IPv6 on the VLAN
■ configures a link-local address using the EUI-64 format
■ statically configures an anycast address
If IPv6 is already enabled on the VLAN, then the above
commands statically configure an anycast address, but has no
effect on the current link-local address.
anycast: Identifies the specified address as an anycast address.
This allows the address to be duplicated (as an anycast
address) on other devices on the same network.
Default: None.
The no form of the command erases the specified anycast
address and, if no other IPv6- enabling command is config-
ured on the VLAN, disables IPv6 on the VLAN. (Refer to
“Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN” on page 4-16.)
To verify the identity of anycast addresses configured for VLANs to which the
switch belongs, use the show run command.
To view all currently configured IPv6 unicast addresses, use the following:
■ show ipv6 (Lists IPv6 addresses for all VLANs configured on the switch.)
■ show ipv6 vlan < vid > (Lists IPv6 addresses configured on VLAN < vid >.)
For more information, refer to “View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configura-
tion” on page 4-21.