Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.70
Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.60
New Console Option
Starting with Release F.05.23, a new console option removes terminal escape sequences, which allows
scripts to better interact with the Command Line Interface. The command console local-terminal none
changes the current terminal session to "raw" mode. To return to the default VT-100 mode, use the
console local-terminal vt100.
This option does not require a reboot to take effect, and does not persist across reboots. It affects
only the console session in which the command is executed.
Clarification of Time Zone Issue
Starting with the F.05.xx version of the switch software, the method of configuring the Time Zone
for TimeP or SNTP configuration has been updated. Previous switch software, for all ProCurve
switches, used positive time offset values for time zones that are West of GMT and negative values
for time zones that are East of GMT. The standards indicate that time zones West of GMT should be
designated by negative offset values, and time zones East of GMT by positive values. Software version
F. 05 .xx updates this configuration method, but if you use the same values for indicating time zones
as you did for previous ProCurve switches, the time will be set incorrectly on your ProCurve Switches
2512 and 2524. For example, for previous ProCurve switches, the US Pacific time zone was configured
by entering +480. With software version F.05.xx, the US Pacific time zone must now be configured by
entering -480.
Enhancement Summary Page
Syslog (Syslogd)capability Adds the ability to direct Event Log messaging to an external file as an aid in
debugging network-level problems. Complies with RFC 3164.
Isolated Port Groups Originally added in release F.04.08 to provide an alternative to VLANs, this
feature now offers two new isolation groups: group1 and group2.
Port-Based Access Control
(802.1X) with Open VLAN Mode
Originally added in release F.04.08 to provide access control through a RADIUS
server, this feature now includes Open VLAN Mode. This gives you a means for
allowing a client computer without 802.1X supplicant software to temporarily
join an unauthorized-client VLAN and proceed with initialization services, such
as acquiring IP addressing, 802.1X supplicant software, and other optional
services you may want to provide.
IGMP Version 3 Support The switch now supports operation with IGMPv3 traffic. 71