with Reservoir
Heartland Woodburning
The original Oval has been heating homes, warming
water, and cooking meals for almost a century. Today’s
models offer the same dependability, comfort, and
tremendous versatility. But Heartland has incorporated
some important changes to make your life easier than it
was for your ancestors.
Holds its own power. Keep your home glowing through
ice and snow or power failures. The Oval is capable of
heating up to 1,800 square feet, and the Sweetheart up
to 1,500 square feet.
Keeps you in hot water. Choose an optional copper
reservoir with a tap, or install a hot water jacket that
can boil 40 gallons of water in an hour with the stove
running at full operation. You can even run this system
on a thermosyphon, eliminating the need for electricity.
The water reservoir provides ample humidity for wood
heating. Note: The water jacket must be installed by a
professional. Refer to instruction manual for details.
Unforgettable flavor. Find out why your grandmother always said that nothing matched
a pie baked in the cookstove. The oven is heated from all sides, cooking evenly and to
perfection every time. Thaw your frozen food, warm your plates or watch your dough
rise in the warming closet.
Lighten your workload. If you think a woodburning cookstove is too labor intensive,
think again. Fuel can be top or front loading, and the oven interior is porcelain coated
with an ash pan that slides out for easy cleaning. This is the good old days, only better.
1903 - Oval with Reservoir
• Solid cast iron cooking surface
• Upper warming cabinet
• Top or front fuel loading
• Large firebox for less splitting
and stoking
• Ash pan on sliding rack
• Hot water options: 5 gallon
copper reservoir with spigot or
hot water jacket
• Optional coal grate kit
• Optional heat shield for reduced
installation clearances – check
local building codes for specific
installation requirements.
• Oval models 1902/1903 warm
up to 1,800 sq. ft. with a 2.4 cu.
ft. oven – the largest available on
any woodburning cookstove
• Sweetheart models 2602/2603
warm up to 1,500 sq. ft., with a
1.7 cu. ft. oven
• Available in White, Ivory, and
Woodburning Features
All Heartland Woodburning
Cookstoves carry a One (1)
year limited warranty