13. Clicking on “Save” enables the activity display (the lined column to the left of the “New” button). Green means the
motion in the window is under the watermark (threshold) set by the Administrator and red means it is over the
watermark (threshold).
14. Click on “Application” in the left column.
15. Check the motion detection window name you set in Step 10 in the “Trigger Condition” section.
16. Check “Upload snapshots while motion detected” if you prefer to upload the snapshots.
17. Check “Send snapshots by email” or “Send snapshots by FTP”.
18. Click on “Save” to validate.
Software Revision Upgrade
Customers can obtain the most up-to-date software from the Hawking Technologies website (www.hawkingtech.com
) or
by calling Hawking Technologies Technical Support. An easy-to-use Upgrade Wizard is provided to upgrade the network
camera with just a few clicks of the mouse. The upgrade function is open to the Administrator only. To upgrade the
system, follow the steps outlined below:
1. Download the firmware file named “FLASH.BIN” from the appropriate product folder.
2. Run the Upgrade Wizard and proceed, following the prompts. Refer to the instructions for the Upgrade Wizard for details.
3. The whole process will finish within a few minutes and it will automatically restart the system.
If power is disconnected or fails during the Flash memory writing process, the program in the network camera’s
memory may be destroyed permanently. If the camera cannot restart properly, ask your dealer for technical support.