
6. Viewing the Camera from Outside the Network
Once the settings have been correctly entered and saved, authorized users can access the camera from outside the
local area network as well as from within. To access the camera from outside the local area network in a remote
location via the Internet, type (in sequence) the router’s public IP address, a colon, and the port number assigned
to the camera, in the address bar of your web browser. For example, if your router has a public IP address of
“”, you would type the following into the address bar (assuming you assigned Port 85 to the camera):
“”. From within the network, you would still use the camera’s local IP address to access
the camera. For example, if you were using the local IP address “” for the camera, from within the
network you would simply type: “http://”. If you are using a web port other than the default, Port 80,
then you would type: “”. (Although, typing in the router’s public IP address, followed by a
colon and port number, would work as well.)