• Slide an axle bushing, flat side first, on the wheel axle.
Axle Bushing Flat Side
Wheel Axle
Short Hex
Short Hex
• Fit a short hex bushing, barrel side first, into the hole in
each side of a wheel.
• Separate the fork axle from the two wheel axles. (The
fork axle is shorter than the wheels axles.) Set the fork
axle aside for assembly step 39.
• Place a .437 (large diameter) cap nut on a flat surface,
inside up. Fit the end of a wheel axle into the cap nut.
•Tap the opposite end of the wheel axle with a hammer
to secure the cap nut on the axle. Pull on the cap nut
to make sure it is secure.
• Repeat this procedure to assemble a .437 (large
diameter) cap nut to one end of the other wheel axle.
• Set one of the wheel axles aside for assembly step 53.
Wheel Axle
.437 (Large Diameter)
Cap Nut
.437 Cap Nut
.437 (Large
Cap Nut
Axle Bushing
Tube Side
Wheel Axle
• Slide an axle bushing, tube side first, onto the end of the
wheel axle. Make sure the flat end of the axle bushing
fits into the groove in the rear fork arm.
• Fit a .437 (large diameter) cap nut on the end of
the wheel axle. Tap the .437 cap nut with a hammer to
secure it on the end of the wheel axle.
Hint: You may need the help of another adult to support
the other end of the wheel axle.
• Pull on the .437 cap nut to make sure the wheel
assembly is secure.
Rear Fork Arm
Rear Fork Arm
Wheel (with Short
Hex Bushings)
•Position the vehicle assembly so that the back is
facing you.
• While holding the short hex bushings in place, position the
wheel between the rear fork arms of the vehicle frame.
• Slide the wheel axle (with axle bushing) through one rear
fork arm, through the wheel (with short hex bushings) and
out through the other rear fork arm. Make sure the wheel
axle bushing fits into the groove in the rear fork arm.
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