Page 12 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353. SKU 67708
After the job is complete, turn the Power 13.
Switch OFF.
Unplug the Air Compressor.14.
Close the in-line Shutoff Valve.15.
Bleed air from the tool then disconnect 16.
the tool.
Turn the Drain Valve (66), at the bottom 17.
of the Tank, two turns clockwise to
release any built-up moisture and the
internal tank pressure. Close the valve
after moisture has drained out. Do not
remove the Drain Valve.
Clean, then store the Air Compressor 18.
Emergency Depressurization
If it is necessary to quickly depressurize
the Compressor, turn the Power Switch
OFF. Then, pull on the ring on the Safety
Valve (73) to quickly release stored air
Automatic Shut off System
Reset Button
Figure 4
1. If the Compressor automatically shuts
Shut off all tools.a.
Wait until the Compressor cools down b.
(about 10 minutes);
If the unit does not start up again on it’s c.
own, press the Reset Button to start the
Resume operation.d.
Possible causes of repeated automatic 2.
shut off of the compressor are:
Using an extension cord that is too long a.
or narrow;
An air leak or open hose causing the b.
compressor to cycle too often and build
up heat.
Correct any issues before further use to 3.
avoid damage to the compressor.