Chapter 6 Page 87
Duplicating a Contacts entry
You can duplicate existing entries, which can be helpful when you want to enter multiple people
from a single organization. When you duplicate an entry, the word Copy appears next to the name
in the First Name field.
To duplicate an entry:
1. From the Contacts view, select the name you want to duplicate.
2. Press Menu .
3. Under Record, and select Duplicate Contact (/T).
4. Edit the entry as necessary.
5. Hold Option and press Return to finish.
Calling a number in your Contacts list
You can dial any number that you’ve entered in your Contacts list.
1. Make sure wireless mode is on. See page 18 for details.
2. From the Contacts view, use the Instant Lookup feature to select the number you want to call.
See the section that begins on page 66 for details.
3. Press Space to dial.
Tip: You can also roll the rocker switch to scroll to the number you want to call, and then
press the rocker switch to dial the number.
4. Close the lid to end the call.
Tap a number
to select it
Tap Dial to call
the number
Tap to select a
different category