Model T10808 Wood Lathe Chuck Set
To re-install the bottom jaws:
1. Clean bottom jaws and jaw guides with min-
eral spirits. When dry, apply a thin coat of ISO
32 or equivalent oil to the mating surfaces.
2. Make sure safety set screw is properly
installed in jaw guide #4.
3. Rotate chuck key clockwise until you see
the tip of scroll gear lead thread just begin to
enter jaw guide #1 (see below).
Scroll Gear
Lead Thread
May Vary
4. Insert bottom jaw #1 into jaw guide #1, and
hold jaw against scroll gear.
5. Rotate chuck key clockwise one turn to
engage tip of scroll gear lead thread with bot-
tom jaw. Pull the jaw; it should be locked into
jaw guide.
6. Install the remaining jaws in numerical order,
in the same manner. If installed correctly, the
jaws will converge evenly at center of chuck.
— If jaws do not converge evenly, remove
them. Make sure stamped numbers of
bottom jaws and jaw guides match, then
re-install jaws and make sure each one
engages with scroll gear lead thread during
its first rotation.
Clean and lubricate the chuck on a regular basis
to ensure the jaws move in and out evenly, can
be properly secured to the chuck, and provide a
solid grip.
Brush chips and dust off the chuck and jaws. Do
not use pressurized air that can drive the debris
farther into the chuck.
If resin builds up on the sliding surfaces making
the chuck difficult to operate, soak the chuck and
jaws for 30 minutes in mineral spirits with 10%
ISO 32 or equivalent oil added. Drain thoroughly
and allow to dry.
1. Apply a thin coat of ISO 32 or equivalent oil
to all outside surfaces of bottom and top jaws,
and chuck body.
2. Turn the chuck upside down and remove the
two Phillips head screws that secure back
plate, then remove back plate (see below for
an example).
Pinion Gears
3. Add several drops of ISO 32 or equivalent oil
to pinion gears, then use chuck key to rotate
scroll gear back and forth to evenly distribute
the lubricant.
4. Replace the back plate before using chuck in