Model G0773 (Mfd. Since 12/14)
Items Needed Qty
Clean Rags ........................................ As Needed
Mineral Spirits .................................... As Needed
Stiff Brush .......................................................... 1
Pump-Type Oil Can w/Plastic Cone Tip ............ 1
The lathe has metal-to-metal sliding surfaces that
require regular lubrication to maintain smooth
movement and ensure long-lasting precision.
Other than the lubrication points covered in this
section, all other bearings are internally lubricated
and sealed at the factory. Simply leave them
alone unless they need to be replaced.
Before performing any lubrication task,
We recommend using Model SB1365 Way Oil,
T23963 Machine Oil, and T23964 Multi-Purpose
Grease or equivalents (see Page 57) for most
lubrication tasks.
Ball Oilers
Lube Type ............................... ISO 32 Equivalent
Lube Amount ............................1 or 2 Squirts/Fill
Lubrication Frequency ................................. Daily
This lathe has four ball oilers that should be oiled
on a daily basis before beginning operation.
Proper lubrication of ball oilers is done with a
pump-type oil can that has a plastic or rubber-
ized cone tip. We do not recommend using metal
needle or lance tips, as they can push the ball too
far into the oiler, break the spring seat, and lodge
the ball in the oil galley.
Lubricate the ball oilers before and after machine
use, and more frequently under heavy use. When
lubricating ball oilers, first clean the outside sur-
face to remove any dust or grime. Push the tip of
the oil can nozzle against the ball oiler to create
a hydraulic seal, then pump the oil can once or
twice. If you see sludge and contaminants coming
out of the lubrication area, keep pumping the oil
can until the oil runs clear. When finished, wipe
away any excess oil.
The recommended lubrication is based on
light-to-medium usage. Since lubrication
helps to protect value and operation of
machine, these lubrication tasks may need
to be performed more frequently than rec-
ommended, depending on usage.
Failure to follow reasonable lubrication
practices as instructed in this manual could
lead to premature failure of machine com-
ponents and will void the warranty.
Lubrication Frequency
Lubrication Task Frequency Page
Ball Oilers Daily
Leadscrew & Carriage
Bedways Daily
Feed Gearbox Annually
Cross Slide & Compound
End Gears Annually
Mill Column Ways Daily