Cooktop Installation Over a 30" Monogram
Single Oven, models ZET1038.
These cooktops may be installed over the
Monogram ZET1038 single oven. Both the
cooktop and the oven must be installed
according to each specific installation instruc-
tion. For accurate planning, review the 30"
Oven Installation Instructions in advance,
order Pub. No. 49-80188.
–Allow 6" Min. clearance from the top of the
countertop to the top of the oven cutout.
Installation Options
Stainless Steel Gas Cooktop
Power Supply:
The oven requires a separate, properly
grounded 30 Amp, 3-wire 120/208 or
120/240 volt, 60 Hz power supply. The cook-
top requires a separate 120V power supply.
See page 6. Where codes permit, the gas shut-
off valve may be located in an adjacent cabinet
or other easily accessible location.
IMPORTANT: Base Cabinet Requirements
for Combined Installation
A 42" wide base cabinet should be used.
Narrow custom doors or decorative stiles can
be used to fill the 6" gap on each side of the
•For best appearance the cooktop should be
centered over the oven.
• 30" or 36" base cabinets are not
Installation With
Single Oven
23-1/2" Min.
23" Max.
6" Min.
1-1/2" Cabinet Top
Cooktop 35-5/16"
Use two 2x4's or equivalent runners spaced 25" centerline
to centerline in the opening & flush with top of toekick.Or,
elevate the oven floor to desired height.The support must
be level, rigidly mounted and capable of supporting 200lbs.
28" Min.
28-3/8" Max.
2-3/4" Min.