Speed (with Preset or Tour) The Speed option allows you to set how fast the camera will move to the
preset step.
Choices are Slow, Medium, Fast, and Max.
Transition (with Preset or Tour)The Transition option allows you to set how the video will be seen on the
monitor screen during a preset step.
Choices are Freeze (default) and Zoom out.
• The Freeze feature freezes the last image on the monitor screen while
the camera is moving. A static image will show on the monitor screen
until the camera stops.
• The Zoom out feature zooms the camera out before it moves, remains
zoomed out during travel, and reestablishes the set zoom when it
arrives at its destination.
Duration (if Preset selected) The Duration feature defines how long the action for the step continues. For
presets, the duration is the dwell time that the camera remains at a preset
before continuing on to the next macro step.
Choices are 1 to 60 seconds in 1-second increments.
Duration (if Relay selected) The Duration feature defines how long the action for the step continues. For
relays, the duration is a timer for the relay action. The next macro step is
immediately performed after the relay timer runs out.
Choices are Infinite (default) and seconds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 30, and 60).
Energize (with Relay) The Energize option, if checked, sets the relay to its energized state. Which is
closed for a normally open connection and open for a normally closed
Display title (checkbox) The Display title feature sets the macro title to appear on the monitor screen,
if checked.
Append The Append button adds one step to the bottom of the list of macro steps.
Remove The Remove button deletes the currently selected step.
Move up The Move up button moves the currently selected step up one step number in
the macro sequence each time it is selected.
Move down The Move down button moves the currently selected step down one step
number in the macro sequence each time it is selected.