Number of
Still Image 16MP, 12MP(16:9), 8MP, 5MP, 3MP, 2MP(16:9), 0.3MP
Movie 640x480pixels: 30fps/15fps, 320x240pixels: 30fps/15fps
Image Compression Best, Fine, Normal
DCF, DPOF (Ver1.1) Support Yes
File Format
Still Image Exif 2.2 (JPEG)
Movie Quick Time Motion JPEG, Audio: G.711 [Monaural]
Shooting Modes
Auto, Manual, Auto Scene, Scene (Sport, Indoor, Snow, Fireworks, Museum, Night
Landscape, Children, Leaf, Sunset, Glass, Landscape, Night Portrait, Beach, Text,
Gathering, ID, Fish eye, Travel shooting, Photo frame, Sketch), Program Auto
Exposure, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority, Portrait, Panorama and Video Chip
Smile Detection Yes
Blink Detection Yes
Face-Detection Yes
Red-eye Removal Yes