Factorsto consider in selecting detergents
Powdered Detergents
Powdered Detergents
Liquid Detergents
and soap
Perform well inhard or softwater
Washall types offabrics well.
Can be used in hot, warm, or
cold water.
Perform satisfactorily in soft
or moderately hard water.
In some areas only non-phosphate
products are available.
Perform well in soft water.
Offer better performance in
hard water than powdered
non-phosphate types.
Cleans synthetics and fabric
blends well.
Are excellent as concentrates
for removing spots.
Completely dissolve evenin
cold water.
Perform well in soft water.
Are not availablein some areas.
Generally do not clean well in
hard water.
May be difficult to dissolve,
especially in cold water.
not be used in cold water.
Those containing sodium
carbonate as an ingredient may
cause harmfid limestone deposits
on clothes and washer when
combined with hard water.
(See page 10.)
May not perform as well as
powdered phosphate products
when diluted in washwater.
Generally do not clean wellin
medium-hard or hard water.
May combine with water
hardness minerals to form
sticky soap curd.