Setting Up and Using OpenLCR
2. Setting Up
Selecting a long or short call
Before you make a long distance or international phone/fax call, select
whether the call will be a long call or a short call.
♦ Your fax needs to know whether the call will be long or short to route it for
the best rate.
Note: The following settings are not required as of the printing
of this manual. OpenLCR will inform you through its Web site
(www.OpenLCR.com) if the settings become necessary in the future.
1 Press , .
• Note: If the display shows TABLE NOT
EXIST, you must first download the rate
2 Press to select the SHORT TIME setting, or to select the LONG
TIME setting.
• The initial SHORT TIME setting is 2 minutes, and the initial LONG TIME
setting is 4 minutes. If desired, you can change these settings as explained
on the following page.
• The short/long time selection will remain in effect for all calls until you
change it.
Changing the SHORT TIME and LONG TIME settings
The initial SHORT TIME setting is 2 minutes, and the initial LONG TIME
setting is 4 minutes. If the typical durations of your short and long calls are
different, you should change the time settings to ensure that OpenLCR routes
your calls for the best rate.
♦ For example, if your fax transmissions normally last about 3 minutes and
your phone calls last about 5 minutes, set 03 for the SHORT TIME and 05
for the LONG TIME. Before sending a fax, select the SHORT TIME setting
(03MIN) in the procedure on the preceding page. Before making a phone
call, select the LONG TIME setting (05MIN).