s;~etyprecautions, includingthe
@Use this appliance only for its
intendedpurpose as describedin
thisUse and Care Book.
~This refrigerator mllStbe
properly installed in accordance
with the InstallationInstructions
beforeit is used. Seegrounding
instructionsbelowandon page4.
~ Never unplugyourrefrigerator
by pulling on the powercord.
Alwaysgrip p!ug firmlyand pull
straightout from theoutlet.
e Repairorreplaceimmediatdyail
electric service cordsthat have
become frayed or otherwise
damaged. Do not usea cord that
showscracks or abrasiondamage
along itslength or at either theplug
~ or connector end.
.- ~DOInot allow chiklrento climb,
stand or hang on the shelvesin
the refrigerator.Theycould
damage the refrigeratorand
seriously injure themselves.
@After your refrigeratoris in
operation, do not touch the cold
surfaces, particularlywhen hands
are damp m-wet. Skin may adhere
to these extremely cold surfaces.
icemdwr, do not placefingersor
Ihamism the automaticicemaking
rnedmnismwhilethe refrigerator
ispluggedin. Thiswillhelp
protectyoufrom possibleinjury.It
willalso preventinterferencewith
themovingparts ofthe ejector
mechanism, or with theheating
elementthat releasesthe cubes.
@When moving your refrigerator
0~n~t ~fm fr~n f-* ~~~h
United StatesDepartment of
Agriculture in Home and Garden
BfilletinNo. 69 says:
“.. .Youmay safely refreezefrozen
foodsthat havethawedif they still
containice crystalsor if they are
“.. .Thawedground meats, poultry
or fish that have
off-colorshouldnot be refrozenand
shouldnot be eaten. Thawed ice
cream shouldbe discarded. If the
odor or color ofany food is poor or
questionable, get rid of it. The food
maybe dangerous to eat.
reduce the eating quality offoods,
particularly fruits, vegetablesand
preparedfoods.The eatingquality
ofred meatsis affectedlessthafl
thatof manyother foods.Use
refrozenfoodsas soonas possibleto
saveasmuch oftheir eatingquality
as youcan:’
@Hyourold refrigeratoris sti!l
aroundthe housebut not in use,
be sureto removethe doors.This
will reduce the possibilityof
dangerto children.
~Unplug yourrefrigerator:
A. Beforemaking any repairs.
Note: Westronglyrecommend
that any servicing beperformed
by a qualified individual.
B. Beforecleaning.
‘C.Beforereplacinga burned-out
lightbulb, the refrigeratorshould
be unpluggedin order to avoid
contactwith alive wire filament.
(A burned-out1ightbulb may
break when being replaced.)
Note: Turningcontrol to OISF
positiondoes not removepower
to the lightcircuit.
~ D notoperateyour
in the presenceof exp!osivefumes.
this mustbe
‘I”hcpower cord of [hisappliance
iscquippcd with L1three-prong
p~LIg which mates with
:~standard three-prong (groumiing)
1)to minimize the
[ e s hazard
Where a standard two-prongwall
outlet is encountered, it is your
personal responsibility and
obligation to haveit replaced with
a properly grounded three-prong
wall outlet.
D r K A
a a
Havewall outlet and circuit checked
iHE Powil? CoRD.
quelectrician to make
. .
‘ i’mmIhi i
sure outlet k properly gi.ounded.