Sanitize upon installation of the Reverse Osmosis system and after
servicing inner parts of the Reverse Osmosis system, including
replacement of prefilter, posffilter and Reverse Osmosis cartridge.
It is important to wash hands with anti-bacterial soap before handling
inner parts of the system.
A CAUTION:ffiustallingunitinNewCoustruction,eusure
houseplumbingis flushed thoroughlybefore openingthe water supply
valve.Also, beforesanitizing, be sure to removeall cartridgesus follows.
Chlorine will destroythe ROcartridge.
I. Be sure lhe water supply valve to tile Reverse (-_mosis systeIll is
turned offand the RO water faucet is open. ,allow the system
to drain completely (this takes several minutes).
2. Place a dry towel under unit. ReInove lhe clmnp retainers and
clamp sections frol]l top of unit.
3. Lift the Rever_ Osmosis cap slraJght tip (a slight resistance
is normal) froIn the Reverse Osmosis housing (no need to
discormect lubing) and move aside.
NOTE:If the cap o-dog seal remained in the ROhousing,replace it
onthe cap.
4. Remove the ROcartridge and outer prefilter cartridge from 1he
RO housing and place in a clean plastic bag. Disix)se of water
froln lhe RO housing.
Fill the RO housing wilh flesh cold water, to about 1" from the
rap. Add one ounce (2 Tbsp.) of ordinary 5.25% household
chlorine hleach and mix into tile waten DOnot add chlorine first.
Concentrated chlorine llaay damage plastics.
6. Replace RO cap, widl the o-ring, and install the clamp
Z (:lose the red taa_kshumffvalve mid disconnect postfiher a/
dm lailk shutoff *_alve.Connect tim RO product water robing
(discormect at electronics box) directly m tile tank shutoff
valve, isolating the carbon postfilter as shown in Fig. 15B.
8. Open the red tank shulv)ffvalve and dm water supply valve m
the Reverse Osmosis system. LMlowsystem m fill fi,)rone minute.
Now open lhe RO water faucet, locking the lever upw,,rd against
lhe slxmt.
9. Allow water to flow through the Reverse Osmosis system unlll
all the bleach odor is gone (approxiInately 20 Ininutes).
IO. Turn off'the water supply valve to the Reverse Osmosis system.
(:lose the RO water faucet _Mq_ER the water flow slops.
11. (:lose the red tank shumffvalve. Disconnect the water product
line from the red tank shumffv'alve and connect m the
electronics box. Reconnect posttiher line m red tank shutoff
valve. Open red rank shumffx_ve.
12. a.Repeat steps two and three. Be carefial of water in tim
RO housing. Disix)se ofwamr.
b. Replace the RO cartridge with tim o-ring seal downward
mid tim prefilter cartridge wifll "this side up" facing upward.
Be sure hands have been cleaned with an anti-bacterial soap.
C.Repeat step 6.
relief valve -
Posdilter line _ RO housing
retainers (2)
•sections (2)
shutoff _'alve
_&te F
Automatic shutotf
i d)ly Tank shutotf valve
Fig. 15B
Connect RO water robing
to tank shutoIt valve
*Electronic_ box