Before you call for service.., gecom
_,_ roubleshooting Tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages, or visit ge.com. You may not need to call for service.
Error Messages Possible Causes What To Do
START/RESETstatus Youhove pressedthe • Pressthe START/RESETpadonlgwhengouwantto restartthe
indicator light flashing START/RESETpod while the dishwasher.
dishwasher is running. This will
cancel the cgcle.The light will stop
flashing after the dishwasher drains
(about 90 seconds).
This iso reminder that gour • Closeand latchthe doorafteropeningit mid-cgcle.
dishwasher door has been left
open during operation. It will
continue beeping until gou close
the door.
Dishwasher BEEPS
once every 30 seconds
Problem Passible Causes What To Do
Dishesandflatware Lowinlet water temperature * Hakesureinletwatertemperatureis correct(seepage8).Turnon
not clean the hotwaterfaucet nearestthedishwasher,letrununtilthewater
temperaturestopsrising.Thenstart thedishwasherandturn off
thefaucet.Thisinsuresthe enteringwaterishot.
Water pressureistemporarilg low * Turnon afaucet.Iswatercomingout moreslowlUthan usual?
Airgap or disposerisclogged • Cleanthe airgap orflushthe disposer.
Improperrackloading • Hakesurelargedishwaredoesnot blockthe detergentdispenser
orthe washarms.Seethe Loadingthedishwasherrackssection.
No air gapor highdrain loop • Verifgthat gouhaveanair gapora highdrainloop.Referto
the InstallationInstructions.
Spotsandfilming Extremelghardwater • UseJet-Dry®orCascadeCrystalClear®rinseagentsto removespotsand
onglassesand Lowinlet water temperature preventnewfilm buildup.
Overloadingthe dishwasher • Toremovestubbornspotsand pre-existingfilmfrom glassware:
Improperloading 1 Removeall metalutensilsfromthe dishwasher
Oldor damp powderdetergent 2 Donot adddetergent.
Rinseagent dispenseremptg 3 Selectthe POTS&PANSor HEAWWASHcgcle.
Toolittle detergent 4 Startthe dishwasherandallowto runfor 18to 22minutes.Dishwasher
will nowbeinthemainwash.
5 Openthe doorandpour2cups(500ml)ofwhitevinegarintothe
bottomof the dishwasher.
6 Closethe doorandallowto completethe cgcle.Ifvinegarrinsedoesn't
insteadof vinegar.
Cloudinesson Combinationof soft water and • Thisiscalledetchingandis permanent.Topreventthisfrom happening,
glassware too muchdetergent uselessdetergentif youhavesoftwater.Washglasswareinthe shortest
cgclethatwill getthemclean.
Water temperatureentering • Thiscouldbeetching.Lowerthe waterheatertemperature.
the dishwasherexceeds150°F
Sudsin thetub Wrong detergent • Useonlgautomaticdishwasherdetergentsto avoidsudsing.
___ havebeenapprovedfor useinallGEdishwashers.
• Toremovesudsfromthe tub,openthe dishwasherandlet
bgtouchingthe START/RESETpadonce;then 30secondslater,
touchthe START/RESETpadagain.Repeatif necessarg.
Rinseagent wasspilled • Alwagswipeup rinseagentspillsimmediatelg. 15