Rev. May 2001 GraviMaster-FGB-M05 (S) Page 19
Gravimetric Blender
Besides the function key there are some special keys:
Key Description
# or F4 Select FGB
START Start command, the same as F5
STOP Stop command, the same as F6
Key Description
0-9 Entry of numbers
+/- Increase and decrease function (value of fi eld can be changed by step)
ENTER Select function. (choise is made and entered values are saved)
. Decimal point
ESC Escape, Leave menu without choice
(Home) (Arrow up with line) Jump to fi rst element of row
(End) (Arrow down with line) Jump to last element of row
INS Insert function to add recipes and components
DELL Delete function to delete recipes and components
← Backspace (above DELL-key) delete the character left of the cursor
← ↑ → ↓
Cursor-keys, move cursor and menu-items