Power Connection Kits For
Premium Series (5500)
265 or 277 Volt Installations
National Electrical Code (Article 440 section G) requires
permanent connection for installation on circuit in excess of
250 volts.
Permanent Connection Kits are available for 265 volt
installations. The regular kit consists of a self-aligning 9-pin
connector that plugs into a mating connector on the chassis,
a length of power cord with the plug cap molded to the end.
There are four 265 volt cord sets so that the desired heater
KW will be achieved when the correct RAK5*** kit is
selected. See chart below for guide. These cord sets will
match the receptacle in the RAK204E Series sub-base. It is
important that care be used in this selection process. This
cord set, when used with the appropriate sub-base with
provided chase way from the junction box to the sub-base, is
considered to be permanently connected.
For those installations that require a method of direct
connection using flexible or rigid conduit, the RAK4002B
junction box (provided with chassis) can be used and the
field supplied conduit attached to it. The universal cord set
will be cut off and connections made inside the junction box.
See page 44 for total connected load for 5500 series units.
Electrical Wiring Information - 2500/3500/5500
All Zoneline units are single phase 60 hertz units.
For all installations feeder, sub-feeder, branch circuit and
electrical protective devices and selection must conform to
the National Electrical Code and to local codes.
Maximum connected load in amperes, including demands
for the electric heater and the fan motor, are shown on
page 44. Branch circuit ampacity and electrical protective
device sizing are shown on page 42 for 230/208 volt units
and on this page for 265 volt units. (Although presented
with Premium 5500 Series this information also is valid for
Deluxe Series 2500 and 3500 Series units.)
More than one unit per branch circuit is not recommended;
however, when in doubt, consult the National Electrical
Code. All wiring, including installation of receptacle, must
conform to local electrical regulations and codes.
Replacement of Existing Chassis
230/208 Volt and 265 Volt Units
There have been changes to NEC and improvements and
modifications to the Zoneline chassis and sub-bases since the
unit was first introduced. Some of these changes require
alterations to be made when replacing an older unit with a
new chassis.
Line Cord Connected Units
The plug configuration of new line cord connected units
complies with the current NEC standards. Older installations
may have wall receptacles that conformed to NEC standards
at the time the building was constructed and may not match
the configuration of the plug on the new line cord.
Recommended solution is to change the wall receptacle to
conform to current standard plug configuration. See chart
on page 42 for current receptacle configuration.
Permanent Connected Units With Sub-base
If the existing unit is connected to a sub-base the installation
of the new unit may involve modifying the existing
installation slightly. It is recommended these modifications
be made by a qualified electrician.
If the existing sub-base is the full width of the wall case,
RAK201 sub-base access plate may be ordered and used to
replace the cover on the old sub-base. Field supplied wiring,
conduit and conduit connectors should be used to make
connection between new chassis and the center knockout of
the RAK201. The wiring connections should be made inside
the sub-base and the RAK201 attached to the sub-base with
the 2 screws provided.
If the existing sub-base is not the full width of the wall case
the electrician will have to modify the existing cover plate to
allow field supplied wiring, conduit, and conduit connectors
to be run from the permanent connection kit to the sub-base.
Permanent Heater Circuit Protective Device
Connection Kit Voltage KW Ampacity (Fuse Included)
RAK5152 265 1.7 15 Amp 15 Amp
RAK5172 265 3.0 15 Amp 15 Amp
RAK5202 265 3.7 20 Amp 20 Amp
RAK5302 265 5.0 30 Amp 30 Amp
NEMA7-15R; receptacle used on 265V sub-base 15 Amp
NEMA7-20R; receptacle used on 265V sub-base 20 Amp
NEMA7-30R; receptacle used on 265V sub-base 30 Amp
RAK4002B Installed RAK4002B
1719 Data Manual 2001 2/14/02 3:12 PM Page 43