2. Getting to Know your Quantum P70iX
The Quantum P70iX is capable of handling and punching some types of clear
cover stock materials. In fact, every Quantum P70iX is tested with clear covers
before it leaves the factory. The following guidelines will help you to understand
the capabilities of the Quantum P70iX system. In cases where your particular
clear cover stock is not suitable to run through the Quantum P70iX, you may
ant to try separating the clear covers from the book contents and punching the
clear covers using a GBC Magnapunch heavy duty table top punch.
• For clear cover stocks to work in the GBC Quantum P70iX, they require the
body found in GBC Premium covers, which are 10-mil and 14-mil thickness.
• Clear covers must be run intermixed. The photo sensors used on the
Quantum cannot detect clear covers.
• When running mixed stocks, you must ensure the dimensions are consistent.
One stock smaller than the other will prevent proper hole-registration.
• With a smaller lift size the punch is more likely to pick a single clear cover.
Lift size settings 5-7 work best.
• It is best to run a job containing clear cover stocks at a slower speed. GBC
recommends 75 LPM for most jobs.
• Clear covers produce more static sticking than other stock, ambient condi-
tions will affect performance.
• If a clear cover is picked alone, the punch may shut down with a false jam.
This is due to the inability of the optical sensors to see some clear cover
stocks. In this event, the stock will not be damaged. Simply press the green