
NMEA input sentence
Talker Sentence Information
*1 GGA GPS positioning data
*1 GLL Own ship’s position
** GTD Own ship’s position (TD, LOP)
LC GLC TD (Loran-C)
** HDG Heading (compass)
** HDM Heading (magnetic)
** HDT Heading (true)
*2 VTG Course over ground and ground speed
VD VHW Water speed and heading
LC RMA Recommended minimum specific Loran-C data
*3 RMC Recommended minimum specific GPS/TRANSIT data
** DBT Depth below transducer, Ver. 1.5
** DBS Depth below sea level
** DPT Depth below transducer plus offset value, Ver. 2.0
** MTW Water temperature
VD VDR Water current, single layer
VD CUR Water current, multi-layers
*1: GPS navaid, Loran-C, II (other talker), TR
*2: GPS navaid, Loran-C, II (other talker), TR, VD
*3: GPS navaid, II (other talkar), TR
**: Not specified
NMEA output sentence
Talker Sentence Information
SS TLL Target latitude and longitude
CIF input sentence
Data No. Information
21 DR position
24 Loran-C position
28 GPS position
54 Loran-C, TD
4: Heading (true)
41 DR speed/course
44 Loran-C speed/course
48 GPS heading/speed
57 Depth of sea bottom
58 Water temperature
66 Current indicator speed/course
56 Water current, single layer
76 Water current, multi-layers