Setting F-shift (data setting window: SONR•BEAM,
If interference cannot be suppressed by the interference rejector
(IR) or Tx cycle, change the setting of F-SHFT from 1 to 2.
Noise limiter (data setting window: SIGNAL, SIGNAL
Weak, unwanted reflections, colored light-blue or green, appear
when the water is dirty, plankton layers exists, or due to ship’s
noise. The noise limiter (NL) can reduce the effects of these
unwanted reflections–raising the setting causes them to become
bluish to background color. Normally a setting of 3 or 4 is suffi-
Adjusting Beamwidth
Beamwidth can be adjusted at SONR•BEAM, BEAM on the
data setting window.
Table 3-1 Beamwidth adjustment menus
Menu Application
Set to "0" for normal use. The higher the setting the
narrower the beam. This control may be used
together with the AGC and NL controls to suppress
sea surface reflections and seabed echoes.
Note that when 2AGC function is on the horizontal
beamwidth is adjusted at the 2AGC item on the
data setting window. Settings AR and -4 to -1
adjust the beamwidth.
In order to reduce surface reflection VER controls
upper part of the beam dents near own ship as
shown the above.
About 500m
3, 4