Flush mounting
Flush mounting for unibody (Type: OP06-16, Code no.: 006-556-300)
Name Type Code No. Qty Remarks
Fixing metal 06-021-1311-2 100-279-612-10 1
Self-tapping screw 5x20 000-162-609-10 6
Hex. bolt M4x12 000-162-939-10 4
1. Make holes at the place to mount (W287 x H297).
2. Fasten monitor and control units with the fixing metal (supplied as option) and four hex.
bolts (supplied as option).
3. Fasten the fixing metal assembled at step 2 to holes made at step 1 with six tapping screws
(supplied as option).
Hex. Bolts
Fixing metal
Flush mounting for monitor unit (Type: OP06-17, Code no. 006-556-310)
Name Type Code No. Qty Remarks
Fixing metal 06-021-1321-2 100-279-622-10 1
Self-tapping screw 5x20 000-162-609-10 4
Hex. bolt M4x12 000-162-939-10 4
1. Make holes at the place to mount (W287 x H207).
2. Fasten the fixing metal (supplied as option) to the monitor unit with four hex. bolts (M4x12,
supplied as option).
3. Fasten the fixing metal assembled at step 2 to holes made at step 1 with four tapping
screws (5x20, supplied as option).