4 Configuration
To check the parameter setting in the Web interface open the Com-
ponents section and select System – System Unit. The System Infor-
mation section on the right contains the option Automatic Inventory
Retrieval. If the value of it is not set to automatic, please set it to auto-
matic and remove and insert all blades or perform a power-off and
power-on of the blade server chassis.
l To ensure that the blade server names in the ServerView server list are
unique, you must assign a system name to the blade server chassis.
System names are assigned when the management blade is configured.
4.2.3 Configuring the I/O connection blades
The connection blades in fabric 1 and the optional connection blades in fabric
2 and 3 must be configured and connected to the local network so that they
can be accessed from the central management station on which the Server-
View Operations Manager and VIOM are installed.
You can configure the network parameters of an I/O connection blade using
the easy-to-use Web interface of the management blade.
Configuration using the Web interface
It is important that the I/O connection blades of the BX400 can be
accessed from the management station via their management port.
You can configure the network parameters of the management port of an I/O
connection blade using the Web interface of the management blade.
114 ServerView Virtual-IO Manager