Chapter 3 Web Operation
IP-900 Series
Code Name Description Details (The part after the * mark is not displayed.)
L00E DHCP connection update IP address change occurred during DHCP
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1/y1,zzz.zzz.zzz.zz1 ->
* Displays the old and new IPv4 addresses acquired
from the DHCP server.
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: Old IPv4 address
y1: Old subnet mask bit count
zzz.zzz.zzz.zz1: Old gateway address
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx2: New IPv4 address
y2: New subnet mask bit count
zzz.zzz.zzz.zz2: New gateway address
L00F PPPoE connection update IP address change occurred during PPPoE
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1/y1,zzz.zzz.zzz.zz1 ->
* Displays the old and new IPv4 addresses acquired from
the PPPoE server. xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: Old IPv4 address
y1: Old subnet mask bit count
zzz.zzz.zzz.zz1: Old gateway address
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx2: New IPv4 address
y2: New subnet mask bit count
zzz.zzz.zzz.zz2: New gateway address
L010 Stateless address acquisition failure IPv6 stateless address acquisition failed
*L010 Stateless address acquisition IPv6 stateless address acquired xxxx:xxxx:…:xxxx/yy
* Displays the IPv6 address acquired from the router.
xxxx:xxxx: … :xxxx: IPv6 address
yy: Subnet prefix length
L011 Stateless address update IPv6 stateless address update occurred xxxx:xxxx:…:xxx1/y1 -> xxxx:xxxx:…:xxx2/y2
* Displays the old and new IPv6 addresses acquired from
the router.
xxxx:xxxx: … :xxx1: Old IPv6 address
y1: Old subnet prefix length
xxxx:xxxx: … :xxx2: New IPv6 address
y2: New subnet prefix length
I001 SDI input down HD/SD-SDI input signal not detected
*I001 SDI input down recovery Normal HD/SD-SDI input