Open system authentication
Null authentication method specified in the 802.11 standard that performs no authentication checks on a wireless
client before allowing it to associate.
Operating System
A group of control programs that convert application commands, including driver programs, into the exact form
required by a specific model of microprocessor in order to produce the desired results from that particular equipment.
A block of space on a hard drive which is set aside and made to appear to the operating system as if it were a separate
disk, and addressed by the operating system accordingly.
Peripheral Device
A piece of equipment which performs a specific function associated with but not integral to a computer. Examples: a
printer, a modem, a CD-ROM.
Pitch (keyboard)
The distance between the centers of the letter keys of a keyboard.
The smallest element of a display, a dot of color on your display screen. The more pixels per area the clearer your
image will appear.
Power On Self Test. A program which is part of the BIOS which checks the configuration and operating condition of
your hardware whenever power is applied to your notebook. Status and error messages may be displayed before the
operating system is loaded. If the self test detects failures that are so serious that operation can not continue, the
operating system will not be loaded.
Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet. A protocol for Ethernet, using a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), which is used for
connection on the phone line.