to create the backup diskette, since the DAR CD
performs the same function.
1. At the Drive Image Special Edition main screen,
click Options> Create New Backup. DISE displays a
warning that it must go to DOS to create the image.
3. Click Ye s.
DISE creates an image file in the backup partition. If
you created a backup image previously, the new
image overwrites the old one.
Enlarging the Backup Partition
If there is not enough unused space in the backup parti-
tion on your hard disk, DISE will resize the partition.
DISE will display the minimum, maximum, and recom-
mended sizes for the backup partition. You choose the
size you want.
DISE takes the space from the FAT, FAT32, or NTFS
partition that you are backing up. If there is not enough
unused space in that partition to take, you will not be
able to resize the backup partition and create an image
file. You can delete files from the FAT, FAT32, or NTFS
partition to create more unused space on the hard disk.
Restoring a Backup Image
You can restore either a factory image or a backup image
you created. Be aware that restoring a backup image will
replace the contents of the C:\ partition with the image
you restore.
1. Disable virus protection software. If virus protection
software is enabled, DISE will hang.
2. From the DISE main window, click Options >
Restore Backup to restore an image you created, or
click Options > Restore Factory Backup to restore
the factory image.
DISE shuts down to DOS and restores the image file.
Re-Installing Individual Drivers and Applications
The Drivers and Application CD can be used to selec-
tively re-install drivers and/or applications that may have
been un-installed or corrupted.
To re-install drivers and/or applications:
1. Boot up the system and insert the DAR CD after
Windows has started. The LifeBook Easy Installation
screen appears.
2. Select the drivers and applications you want to
install from the list that is displayed.
3. Click [Start]. Follow the prompts that appear to
complete installation of the selected drivers and/or
Your system has a convenient tool called the Fujitsu
Driver Update (FDU) utility. With FDU, you can choose
to automatically or manually go to the Fujitsu site to
check for new updates for your system.
The FDU icon should appear in the system tray at the
bottom right of your screen (roll the cursor over the
icons to find the correct one). If the FDU icon does not
appear in the system tray, it can be started by going to
[Start] -> All Programs, and clicking on Fujitsu Driver
Update; this will create the icon automatically.
To invoke the FDU menu, you can either right-click on
the FDU icon or hold the pen on the icon for a couple of
seconds until the menu appears. The menu contains the
following items:
Check for updates now
Allows for manual driver update search. The first
time it is used, you are prompted to agree to a user
agreement. After clicking on the icon, the FDU auto-
matically connects with the Fujitsu site to check for
updates and downloads them. While downloading,
the icon has a red bar through it, indicating that it
cannot be used while the download is in process.
When the update is complete, a message appears
informing you of the fact.
Enable Automatic Update Notifications
Automatically searches for new updates on a regular
basis (approximately every 3 days).
Show update history
Brings up a screen that displays a history of updates
that have been made via the FDU.
About Fujitsu Driver Update
Displays the FDU version number and copyright
Fujitsu Driver Update Readme
Displays the FDU readme.
S Series.book Page 67 Thursday, February 19, 2004 4:52 PM