
104 Appendix
communications port
A serial communications port used to connect equipment, such as mobile devices,
modems, and printers.
The ability to interact with another device, computer, or the Internet by means of a serial,
infrared, Ethernet, or dial-up connection.
Information that is stored in any of your Windows CE program files.
desktop computer
A computer running Microsoft Windows 95/98 or Windows NT to which you connect
your PenCentra 200.
dial-up connection
A connection between your PenCentra 200 and a remote computer by means of a modem.
You can connect to an ISP, a network, or a modem attached to a PC.
direct connection
A connection between your PenCentra 200 and another computer by means of a serial
cable or infrared ports.
The process of transferring data from your desktop computer to your PenCentra 200.
Messages and other items that you send and receive with Inbox.
Explorer window
The window that appears when you double-click a device icon in the Mobile Devices
window. In the Explorer window, which is part of Windows CE Services, you can view
and copy files between your PenCentra 200 and your desktop computer.
file conversion
The process of converting Windows-compatible files on your desktop computer to
Windows CE-compatible files on your PenCentra 200, and vice versa.
Fujitsu PC Corporation (www.fpsi.fujitsu.com).
full reset
See reset.
An optional Harsh Environment Case, used to provide extra protection for your
PenCentra 200.