U41243-J-Z156-1-76 37
Preparation for use and operation Switching the server on and off
4.2 Switching the server on and off
If after switching on the server there is nothing but flickering stripes on
the screen, switch the server off immediately (see the chapter “Trouble-
shooting and tips” on page 75, section “Flickering stripes on the monitor
screen” on page 77).
The ON/OFF button does not disconnect the server from the line voltage.
To disconnect from the line voltage completely, remove the power plug
from the power outlet.
Server is switched off
Ê Press the ON/OFF button.
The server switches on, performs the Power-ON Self-Test (POST) after a few
seconds, and starts the operating system.
Server is switched on
Ê Shut down the operating system in an orderly manner.
Ê Press the ON/OFF button.
The server switches off.
Other ON/OFF possibilities
In addition to using the ON/OFF button, the server can also be switched on/off
in the following ways:
– Specified switch-on/switch-off time
The time at which the server switches on or off is set in the ServerView
– Ring indicator
The server is switched on via an internal or external modem. The key switch
must be in the Remote position.
– Following a power failure
The server automatically reboots following a power failure.