C141-E224 GL-1
Head positioning assembly. The actuator consists of a voice coil motor and head
arm. If positions the read-write (R-W) head.
AT bus
A bus between the host CPU and adapter board
ATA (AT Attachment) standard
The ATA standard is for a PC AT interface regulated to establish compatibility
between products manufactured by different vendors. Interfaces based on this
standard are called ATA interfaces.
BIOS standard for drives
The BIOS standard collectively refers to the parameters defined by the host,
which, for example, include the number of cylinders, the number of heads, and
the number of sectors per track in the drive. The physical specifications of the
drive do not always correspond to these parameters.
The BIOS of a PC AT cannot make full use of the physical specifications of these
drivers. To make the best use of these drives, a BIOS that can handle the standard
parameters of these drives is required.
Commands are instructions to input data to and output data from a drive.
Commands are written in command registers.
Connector (Connector Plug: Host system side)
It means a host receptacle (described in this Glossary), when a drive is connected
to a host system without use an interface cable. In case of use an interface cable
for connecting to a host system, it means the connector plug which consists of
terminals and housing of the cable.
A lid of DE. It is a metallic part labeled the model name and its revision. This
part is attached to the opposite side from PCBA on the disk drive.
Data block
A data block is the unit used to transfer data. A data block normally indicates a
single sector.