18 XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised January 2007
■ When the command is executed, a prompt to confirm execution of the command
with the specified options is displayed. Enter "y" to execute the command or "n"
to cancel the command.
■ Unless all of the host name, DNS domain name, IP address, net mask, and
routing settings have been made, it results in errors. Please execute the
sethostname(8), setnetwork(8), and setroute(8) command to set all items,
then reexecute the applynetwork(8) command.
■ To set to multiple interfaces, all of the host name, DNS domain name, IP address,
net mask, and routing settings need to be set on every interface. In these
interfaces, if any of these setting items omitted, it results in errors.
■ To specify a host name, use the sethostname(8) command. To specify an IP
address and net mask, use the setnetwork(8) command. To specify routing, use
the setroute(8) command.
EXAMPLE 1 Resets XSCF to reflect the information that has been set for the XSCF net-
work. The set contents are displayed and reflected after XSCF is reset.
On a midrange server:
XSCF> applynetwork
The following network settings will be applied:
xscf#0 hostname :hostname-0
DNS domain name :example.com
nameserver :
interface :xscf#0-lan#0
status :up
IP address :
netmask :
route :-n -m -g
interface :xscf#0-lan#1
status :down
IP address :
netmask :
route :
The XSCF will be reset. Continue? [y|n] :y