
details of the branch commands.
Logical operation and bit operation
Logic operation instruction can perform AND, OR, and EOR logic operations between general-purpose
registers, or between a general-purpose register and the memory (or I/O). Moreover, the bit operation
instruction can operate the content of the memory (And, I/O) directly. The register of the memory
addressing is generally indirect.
Direct addressing
Direct addressing commands are used to access between I/O and general-purpose registers, or between I/O
and the memory. The I/O address can be accessed quickly and efficiently by direct specification within the
command instead of indirect register. Indirect memory addressing to the register with register increment/
decrement is also enabled for some commands.
This command executes flag set up within the PS register, stack operation, code/zero expansion, etc. Also
equipped with high-level language supported function entry/exit, and register multi-load/store commands.