Troubleshooting and tips
Troubleshooting and tips
Follow the safety notes in the "Safety/Regulations" manual when
connecting or disconnecting cables.
If a fault occurs, try to correct it as described. If you fail to correct the problem, proceed as follows:
► Make a note of the steps and the circumstances that led to the fault. Also
make a note of any error me ssages displayed.
► Switch the notebook off.
► Please c ontact the Hotline/Service De sk.
You can find the telephone numbers in the service desk list. Please have
the following information ready when you call:
• The model name and serial number of the notebook. The serial n umber is
located on a sticker on the underside of the notebook.
• Notes of any messagesthat appea r on the screenand information onacoustic signals.
• Any changes you have made to the hardware or software since
receiving the notebook.
• Any changes you have made to the BIOS Setup settings since receiving the notebook.
• Your system configuration and all peripheral devices connected to your system.
• Your sales contract.
Our notebooks
have been designed primarily with mobile applications in mind. This
means that con
siderable effort has been made to optimise components and eq uipm ent
in terms of we
ight, space and energy requirements. Depending on the particu lar
n you have purchased, it is possible that functionality may be slightly reduced
compared to a
desktop PC if you are running processor-intensive gaming software, e.g.
games with i
ntensive 3D graphics. Updating your hardware with drivers which have not
been appro
ved by Fujitsu Technology Solutions may result in performance losses, data
losses or m
alfunction of the equipment. A list of approved drivers and curren t BIOS
versions c
an be downloaded from: "
http://ts.fujitsu .com/support/downloads.html"
Help if pr
oblems occur
Should you encounter a problem with your computer that you cannot resolve yourself:
► Note the ID number of your device. The ID number is found on the type rating
plate on the back or underside of the casing.
► For f urther clarification of the problem, contact the Help Desk for your country (see the Help
Desk list or visit the Internet at "
http://ts.fujitsu .com/support/servicedesk.html"). When you
do this, please have ready the ID number and serial number of your system.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 105