8.3 fi-486PRRE (Rear side imprinter)
8.3 fi-486PRRE (Rear side imprinter)
fi-486PRRE is installed at the rear side of the document path, inside of the scanner. It prints after
the scanning. fi-486PRFR (Rear side imprinter) Specifications are described below.
As for the operations and functions of fi-486PRRE (Rear side imprinter), refer to the fi-486PRRE
Operator's Guide attached to fi-486PRRE.
Item Descriptions
Printing Method Thermal Ink Jet
Printable characters Alphabet letters : A to Z, a to z
Numeric characters: 0,1 to 9
Symbols : ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ { | }
Maximum printable
characters per line
Character size Height 2.91 mm (0.11 inch) x Width 2.82 mm (0.11 inch)
Character pitch Approximately 3.53 mm (8 characters/inch)
Printing area Printable area is shown as below.
A: 43 mm (1.7 inch) or more
B: 100.5 mm (3.9 inch) or less
C: 5 mm (0.2 inch) or more
D: 140.5 mm (5.5 inch) or less
(Max. 40 column)
E : 5 mm (0.2 inch) or more
Consumables Print Cartridge
Ducument Reference Position
Document feeding direction
Area (Back)
Center of document