C4 MOVW A, ext 5 1 N +2 ext (L byte) 1 0 0
2 N +3 The following
10 0
3 ext address Data (H byte) 1 0 0
4 ext+1 address Data (L byte) 1 0 0
5 N +4 The following
following instruction
10 0
D4 MOVW ext, A 5 1 N +2 ext (L byte) 1 0 0
2 N +3 The following
10 0
3 ext address Data (H byte) 0 1 0
4 ext+1 address Data (L byte) 0 1 0
5 N +4 The following
following instruction
10 0
C5 MOVW A, dir 4 1 N +2 The following
10 0
2 dir address Data (H byte) 1 0 0
3 dir+1 address Data (L byte) 1 0 0
4 N +3 The following
following instruction
10 0
D5 MOVW dir, A 4 1 N +2 The following
10 0
2 dir address Data (H byte) 0 1 0
3 dir+1 address Data (L byte) 0 1 0
4 N +3 The following
following instruction
10 0
4 1 N +2 The following
10 0
2 N +3 The following
following instruction
10 0
3 (IX)+off address Data (H byte) 1 0 0
4 (IX)+off+1 address Data (L byte) 1 0 0
D6 MOVW @IX+off,
4 1 N +2 The following
10 0
2 N +3 The following
following instruction
10 0
3 (IX)+off address Data (H byte) 0 1 0
4 (IX)+off+1 address Data (L byte) 0 1 0
Table B-1 Bus Operation List (5/11)
CODE MNEMONIC ~ Cycle Address bus Data bus RD WR RMW