installed components upon removal of the upper/side covers. Optimized cable
management solutions for the various rack types also play their part in this by
allowing reliable and orderly routing of cables. Hot-plug hard disks and hot-plug
power supply modules can be exchanged online even more easily. The rack
doors can be easily unhinged and replaced again by a single person without any
tools. An HU scale, which is visible both from the front and the rear and on which
the heights units are numbered and marked, facilitates the installation and
retrofitting of components.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions configuration tool "SystemArchitect"
The SystemArchitect, a configuration tool with a graphical user interface, can be
used to obtain an early overview of the desired configuration at the planning
stage. The tool runs a simultaneous consistency check to ensure the
completeness and functionality of the desired system.
Once the required configuration has been created, the SystemArchitect also
provides further information concerning the appropriate installation
requirements (power connection, heat dissipation, weight and the requisite
footprint as well as the maximum floor loading at the installation site). A conflict
is created when the weight of a configuration exceeds 1,000 kg and a warning
is given (as of SystemArchitect V 6.6) when the weight exceeds 250 kg.
Enterprise ServerView Suite
The Fujitsu Technology Solutions administration tool "Enterprise ServerView
Suite" is also used to display the position of the server or disk node in the rack.
This provides a greatly improved overview for administration and diagnostic
Racks with installed servers may not be tilted. All racks are supplied on shock-
absorbing pallets and can be rolled short distances to the installation site in the
data center on heavy-duty castors (note the condition and load-bearing capacity
of the floor). Please check requirements regarding transport to end users for
42U racks and delivery weight (rack and installed servers) in excess of 250 kg.