1 General
This release notice summarizes the major points of
2* information on COPE Version 5.4C.
To print this file use the following command:
4* The release level is that of September 2004.
3* Changes in this revison (SOLIS revision status
5* COPE V5.4C20) are marked by '5*' in the left-hand margin.
If one or more previous versions are skipped when this product
is used, the information from the Release Notices of the
previous versions must be noted.
1.1 Ordering
2* COPE V5.4C can be ordered from your local distributors.
The executive of COPE V5.4C is available in both English
and German.
1.2 Delivery
2* The COPE V5.4C files are supplied via SOLIS.
Delivery components:
SYSFGM.COPE.054.D Release Notice (German)
SYSFGM.COPE.054.E Release Notice (English)
SINLIB.COPE.054 LMS library for installation
1.3 Documentation
2* Delivery of COPE V5.4C includes the following documentation:
Title Version
COPE Beschreibung 5.4 (only in German !)
COPE Benutzerhandbuch 5.4 (only in German !)
COPE Produktblatt 5.4 (only in German !)
These manuals (in German) are contained in the supplied LMS
library named SINLIB.COPE.054
as WinZip files from element LMS-Typ X:
Transfer the files Beschr54.ZIP and Benutz54.ZIP
in binary mode
to the desired PC, e.g. by ftp or rapid filer.