
Primary Master/Save, Secondary Master/Slave Menu
Using submenus, set the type of hard disk (master or slave) mounted on the primary IDE
connector (Adapter 0) and secondary IDE connector (Adapter 1) as well as the size and
the number of cylinders). Move the cursor to a desired item and press the Enter key to
display the selected submenu.
Set the type of IDE device. A value other than [Auto] requests the user to enter
[Cylinders], [Heads], and [Sectors].
- Auto (Initial value)
The computer automatically sets the type of IDE device. Select this item when the
user-skip IDE device is setup.
- None
Select when no IDE device is used.
- Hard Disk
Select for setting details on the hard disk drive.
Select when a CD-ROM drive is connected.
- LS-120
Select when a super disk is connected.
- Other ATAPI
Select when any other ATAPI device is connected.
- To change the type, select with the space key.
- Usually, select [Auto]. If any other value is selected, set a correct value supported by the
connected device, otherwise the computer may not access the device correctly.
For details, consult the manual included with the device.
Maximum Capacity
This item displays the maximum capacity of the hard disk drive only when Type is [Auto]
and [Hard Disk] is selected (if a hard disk unit is mounted).
F1 Help ↑↓ Select Item -/Space Change Value F9 Setup Defaults
ESCExit ←→ Select Menu Enter Select :Sub-MenuF10Save and Exit
PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
Main Advanced Security Power Boot Info Exit
Primary Master [FUJITSU MHA2032AT]
Type: [AUTO]
Cylinders: [13328]
Heads: [ 15 ]
Sectors: [ 63 ]
Maximum Capacity: [6449 MB]
Multi-Sector Transfers: [16 sectors]
LBA Mode Control: [Enabled]
Transfer Mode: [Fast PIO 4]
DMA Mode: [Ultra DMA 2]
Item Specific Help
drive installed
The BIOS auto-types
the drive on boot
Except [Auto]
You enter parameters
of the drive.
The drive is