C122-E003-02EN 5-49
5.13 Export List Window
5.13 Export List Window
The [Export List] window provides the export function, which allows the user to save
snapshots of information stored by PSA to files in CSV format .
Exporting is performed from the [Export] window.
Up to 100 files of export data can be saved. When the number of saved files exceeds
100, the oldest file is deleted and a new file is saved. As long as the number of saved
files is less than the maximum number, export data is not deleted unless the user
deletes it intentionally. Export data can be downloaded as many times as desired.
Downloaded export data is stored in CSV format, allowing it to be read using an
application such as EXCEL.
Figure 5.23 [Export List] window
On the initial screen of the Export List window, a list of files that have been exported
is displayed, starting from the newest one.