
_Viewing Movies
During playback, movies are displayed in the LCD monitor
as shown at right. The following operations can be per-
formed while a movie is displayed:
Option Description
Start/pause Pressthe selectordown to start playback. Press again to
playback :]ause.
End playback/ Pressthe selectorup to end playback. If playback is not in
delete progress, pressing the selector up will delete the movie.
Advance/ Presstheselectorrightto advance, left to rewind. If playback
is paused, the movie will advance or rewind one frame
each time the selector is pressed.
PressMENU/OKto pause playback and display volume con-
Adjust volume trois. Press the selector up or down to adjust the volume
and press MENU/OKto exit. Volume can also be adjusted
from the setup menu.
(l> Do not cover the speaker during playback.
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