
2.1 Introduction
CT16 Toasters manufactured for use in the European Union (CE) and those manufactured for use
elsewhere are identical in most respects, but there are some important differences. The paragraphs
that follow summarize the differences and provide a list of the parts that are unique to each model.
The most significant differences are in the electronic components. Units built for the CE and Australian
markets have a 50 Hz motor; all others have a 60 Hz motor. Non-CE and CE/Australian units also use
different transformers, and CE/Australian units have a line filter built into the electrical power supply
system. The line filter and cover are attached to the rear of the cabinet.
Because of the difference in the power cycle frequency (50 Hz vs. 60 Hz), CE and Australian units are
equipped with 10-tooth drive pulleys and a 28-Tooth motor pulley. Standard units have 17-tooth drive
pulleys and an 18-tooth motor pulley. The different pulleys on the CE and Australian units maintain the
correct belt speed even though the RPM of the motor at 50 Hz is slightly slower than that of the motor
at 60 Hz.
The table below identifies the components that are unique to each configuration.
Components Unique to CE andAustralian Units Components Unique to Non-CE Units
P/N Description P/N Description
807-2191 Transformer (208-240V/12V) 807-0979 Transformer (208-240V/12V)
807-0910 Transformer Fuse, 250V/3A N/A Not used.
106-0781 Transformer and Bracket Assembly N/A Not used.
807-3472 Line Filter N/A Not used.
824-0896 Line Filter Cover N/A Not used.
106-2143 Tensioner Assembly, Drive Belt 106-2723 Tensioner Assembly, Drive Belt
810-2300 28-Tooth Motor Driven Pulley 810-2565 18-Tooth Motor Driven Pulley
810-2301 10-Tooth Dual Belt Drive Pulley 810-2566 17-Tooth Dual Belt Drive Pulley
810-2332 10-Tooth Toasting Belt Drive Pulley 810-2564 17-Tooth Toasting Belt Drive Pulley
The illustrations in the parts list that follows also identify the CE/Australian and Non-CE components.