Most problems concerning computers have to do with programming them. There are four common
complaints. The complaints, their causes, and corrective actions are:
1. Fryer constantly displays “HI.”
Cause: Setpoint incorrect or missing.
Corrective Action: Press 1650, enter the correct setpoint using keypad, then press to lock
in the setpoint.
2. Temperature is displayed in Celsius.
Cause: Computer is programmed to display in Celsius.
Corrective Action: Press 1658.
3. Temperature is constantly displayed.
Cause: Computer is programmed for constant temperature display.
Corrective Action: Press 165L.
4. Computer times down too slowly or too quickly.
Cause: Computer is compensating for oil temperature via the sensitivity setting.
Corrective Action: Reprogram sensitivity setting for each product in accordance with program-
ming instructions in Chapter 3 of the 45 Series Gas Fryer Installation and Operation Manual.
1.9.5 Filtration Problems
The majority of filtration problems arise from operator error. One of the most common errors is
placing the filter paper on the bottom of the filter pan rather than over the filter screen.
Whenever the complaint is “the pump is running, but no oil is being filtered,” check the installation
of the filter paper, including that the correct size is being used. While you are checking the filter
paper, verify that the O-rings on the bottom of the filter pan and on the male disconnect (at inside
rear of filter cabinet) are present and in good condition. Missing or worn O-rings will allow the
pump to suck air and decrease its efficiency.
If the pump motor overheats, its thermal overload will trip and the motor will not start until it is re-
set. If the pump motor does not start, press the red reset switch located on the end of the motor near-
est the operator. If the pump then starts, something caused the motor to overheat. It may be just that
several frypots were being filtered one after the other and the pump got hot. Letting the pump cool
down for at least a half-hour is all that is required in this case. More often, the pump overheated for
one of the following reasons:
• Shortening was solidified in the pan or filter lines.