Unpack carefully. BLADESARESHARP!
1. Carefully unpack the contents from the box.
Check to make sure all pieces (as shown on
page 4) are accounted for and that the
blender appears to be free of any physical
damage. If you discover any damage or
missing parts, please contact our customer
service department at 1-888-845-7330 prior
to plugging in the unit.
2. Remove any packing material from the
immersion blender. Make sure blender is
free of all material.
3. Place the immersion blender on a
countertop or table.
4. Before first use, be sure to clean the
mixing foot and let it dry. Before inserting or
removing the mixing foot, remove the plug
fro the power outlet.
5. Connect the handheld part to the mixing foot and lock into
position. To remove, press the release button and pull off
the foot.
6. Select the speed by moving the sliding speed selector.
Press the power button to start mixing. Press the turbo
button for the highest speed. TheLED will indicate the
mixing speed.