XX.X AVG MPG (L/100km)
Average fuel economy displays your average fuel economy in miles/gallon
or liters/100 km.
If you calculate your average fuel economy by dividing distance traveled
by gallons of fuel used (liters of fuel used by 100 kilometers traveled),
your figure may be different than displayed for the following reasons:
• Your vehicle was not perfectly level during fill-up
• Differences in the automatic shut-off points on the fuel pumps at
service stations
• Variations in top-off procedure from one fill-up to another
• Rounding of the displayed values to the nearest 0.1 gallon (liter)
1. Drive the vehicle at least 5 miles (8 km) with the speed control
system engaged to display a stabilized average.
2. Record the highway fuel economy for future reference.
It is important to press the RESET button (press and hold RESET for
two seconds in order to reset the function) after setting the speed
control to get accurate highway fuel economy readings.
MPG (L/km)
This displays instantaneous fuel economy as a bar graph ranging from ↓
poor economy to ↑ excellent economy.
Your vehicle must be moving to calculate instantaneous fuel economy.
When your vehicle is not moving, this function shows ↓, one or no bars
illuminated. Instantaneous fuel economy cannot be reset.
Timer displays the trip elapsed drive time.
To operate, do the following:
1. Press and release RESET in order to start the timer.
2. Press and release RESET to pause the timer.
3. Press and hold RESET until the timer resets.
TBC GAIN (if equipped)
Displays the level of trailer brake gain or if the trailer is not connected.
Instrument Cluster
2011 F-250/350/450/550 (f23)
Owners Guide, 1st Printing
USA (fus)