L3 Sport Cycles
The clothes you exercise in require a little extra care to remove the odors and dirt that tend to
penetrate into the fabric structure. This cycle incorporates a warm/hot wash with a fast spin to
clean sweaty sports clothes.
Clothes that have mud on them need to be washed in a
special way so all traces can be removed. Mud requires a
cold water wash with lots of dilution; the cold water is the
key, as washing in warm sets the mud stain. This cycle has
a cold pre-wash followed by a cold wash with extra rinses
to help get mud out of sports gear.
A warm/cold, medium low, traditional agitation wash, with a light wash action which includes
a 15 minute soak in the middle of the agitate, a double deep rinse and a fast spin to freshen up
sports shoes. This cycle is also great for cleaning up children’s washable toys.
Sand, grass and other particles that get into your wash after a day in the outdoors need special
treatment, otherwise you end up with impurities staying in the wrinkles of washed items. This
cycle will help remove these impurities. If your water source contains deposits of any kind this
cycle will minimise the effects. This cycle consists of a cold Eco Active™ wash, cold agitate, and
has a double deep rinse and a fast spin.