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4.3.9 Clearing Fault Logs
To Clear the current Fault press the Keylock button until a beep is sounded. This
action moves the Current Fault into the Previous Fault while clearing the Current
Fault. To Clear the Previous Fault press Keylock once more until the beep is
sounded. Warning: Once a fault has been cleared it is permanently removed from
Memory and cannot be recovered.
Press Power to advance to the next mode.
4.3.10 Show Off Mode
This mode initiates a shop show off display and operation demonstration. The LCD
display is Red backlight ‘Ad’. The touch switch LED’s are - Grn Grn __ Grn Grn.
Press Power to skip show off mode and move onto the next mode.
Press Start/Pause to initiate show off mode:
A short series of tones indicates that Show Off mode has been entered. The Show Off
display cycles through every LED, & LCD segment. If any front panel key is pressed
the dishwasher will re-initiate a series of short tones.
Once Show Off mode has been initiated, the mains power must be removed to exit out
of Show Off mode.
4.3.11 Hardware Output Diagnostic Test Mode
This mode tests all the hardware outputs and inputs. The LCD display is Red
backlight and ‘HO’.
Press Power to skip hardware diagnostics and advance to the next mode.
Press Start/Pause to enter hardware diagnostics.
Once hardware diagnostics has been entered the current hardware output being tested
is indicated in green on the touch switch panel, using binary encoding, and also on the
LCD as shown below.
Any combination of outputs can be switched on or off. Load sensing is enabled when
the motor is running.
Press Start/Pause to advance to next hardware output.
Press Keylock to turn the currently displayed output On or Off. If the currently
displayed output has a green backlight then that output has been switched on, and if
the backlight is red then that output is off.
Press Power to Exit at any time (All outputs will be switched off on exit).
The LCD display and touch switch panel green LED’s are illuminated to correspond to
a particular hardware device. The following table details the display order of the test.